Friday, January 16, 2009

Beating a dead horse

Yee ha! Silver is dead!

My only son lost his father when he was very young. Life for him was tough without the guidance of a father. He had resented living with his grandparents. Life with them was but miserable and restricted. He once told me, he feared that he will end up like his father.

There are strict rules to obey, daily tuitions to adhere, chores to perform and extracurricular classes to attend. He was not given the opportunity to spend time playing with other kids of his own age. Regulations were etched on the stone.

I felt deeply for him and tried to understand him. I failed. No one can. He had built a raging inferiority complex around him. He feels that no one cares for him. He was a badly misunderstood kid by everyone.

One evening, I confronted him for his irrational behavior. I was mad at him for accusing me favoring his two sisters. As a mother, a double-standard treatment is far from my mind. "What is your problem?" I yelled at him. He insisted that I do everything else for his sisters but not for him. I went on attacking him about his lack of confidence, mixing around with people of unknown backgrounds, and to top it up, his extreme degree of laziness.

I was out of my wits and clueless how to overcome the crisis. I warned him that I don't want a son for a loser and end up like his father. I repeatedly said it over a period. He soon got tired of my humiliations and stood up for himself.

Unaware that I have hurt his feelings, I continued blaming him for all his shortcomings. Suddenly he stood up with tears in his eyes, his whole body trembling, "Enough is enough! Stop comparing me with my father. I am not him and he is dead!" he stuttered. I was stunned and speechless. I felt like I woke up from a bad dream. It made me realized that I have been harsh on him and expected too much from him; a child who badly needed a father.

Since that day, my husband, Dave, his step-dad, decided that its time for him to step into his life. They talk on regular basis and discuss what lies ahead. It was in the nick of time, to save, a lost soul of a child. I am so relieved, my bad dream is over.

Today, I proudly admit that my son has changed. He has turned into a hardworking lad, self-sufficient, dependable, full of confidence and has nothing but positive attitude. A son, any mother would be proud of.


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