Sunday, January 11, 2009

A young bride determined to beat the odds....

Who would have thought that I was persuaded by my less fortunate family to end my schooling years even before I could read and write? Worst of all, marrying a "supposedly" well to do man with the hope of a better future. It was a pathetic ordeal that had happened to me over 3 decades ago.

I was barely 16 when a gentleman from a neighboring village came to my sister's house for a visit. My family suspiciously gathered among themselves without me and whispered something that I wasn't sure. I did not think much of it and took it lightly until my sister told me the visitor's intention.

Overwhelmed and disgusted, I wanted to run away, far, far away from my family. I was young, dumb and ignorant. Where do I run to? Relatives? Questionable decision.

My entire family coerced and persuaded me that it was the best for me and my future. I cried wanting to go back to school. But alas, my family had no financial contingency plan to provide for my education. Tears rolled down ferociously that day, my tattered, hand-made pinafore was soaked. My child life ended without any warning.

The youngest in the family, I was doomed to face uncertainties. I don't deserve this. Why me? I soon realized that my family was eager to relinquish their responsibility of raising me to an unknown man. It was a heart wrenching moment.

Not one soul came to my rescue. Let alone my one and only sister. She was powerless and in a worst predicament. Married at 15, she had 5 kids to raise with her meager income. My brothers, aah.... typical "kampungan" mentality ("kampungan" literally means a simple minded villager). "Buat apa mau sekolah .. sama juga kau kawin nanti" ("What is the use of education.. you will end up getting married").

My parents were illiterate. They could not comprehend the importance of education. They were overjoyed with the news. To them, relief has come. "Bah, mokianu no do duvo kalabau, iso vogok om tohu ngoibu oh nopung miampai do balanja," they jointly agreed (Please ask for 2 buffaloes, 1 pig and three thousand ringgit for dowry and wedding expenses). It was a huge fortune to them that came rolling right in front of their eyes.

One night, choked with tears , I packed my small collection of clothes and sneaked out from the house not knowing where to go. I have been toying with the idea of running away as far as I can and maybe and hopefully I will find that Good Samaritan to bail me out from my misery. My last resort was to run to a Catholic mission home.

Out of no where in the dark, I heard footsteps running towards me. I saw a silhouette, a man, no other than my own brother. He yelled at me and instructed me to stop from going further. He approached me and yanked me by the hair and dragged me back to the house. I did not utter a word but tried to squirm away from him. I was too skinny and under nourished to fight a full grown up man.



bubbleberry said...

:( that's bad .. what happen next ?

Dodu said...

Bubbleberry, you may continue reading at "Beam me up Scotty".. the saga continues